FLUENCELIFE® is a state of the art, all-encompassing Healthcare Information System (HIS) for healthcare professionals practising in facilities ranging from primary healthcare centre to multi-specialty tertiary care hospital. With its simple and user friendly interface, it ensures round-the -clock, efficient functioning of all the departments and mitigates revenue loss for your organization. It focuses on the integration of clinical, financial and administrative sections for a healthcare enterprise. The wealth of information provided via our decision supports are specifically targeted to simplify the work pressure for any healthcare provider by improving their quality and the work flow of the healthcare facility. USP's of FLUENCELIFE ...
FLUENCELIFE®-RIS provides a complete set of tools for the creation and visualization of Dashboards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as well as reports. By this mean, Clinical Imaging Management teams will have all necessary inputs to take the right action at any time. Through the Radiologist Workflow Management Module,FLUENCELIFE®-RIS offers the Radiologist advanced tools to perform exams, diagnostics and reporting including: Configurable Radiologists Work-list, Templates, Voice Recognition, Dictation, Smart Reporting tools, Transcriptionist workflow and Reports Distribution etc..
Use of telecommunication technologies to facilitate patient to provider or provider to provider communication. Provides health information that is collected remotely from medical devices or personal mobile devices. Telemedicine is an effective tool in improving clinical outcomes. Provides health information that is collected remotely from medical devices or personal mobile devices. This information may be used to monitor patients, track or change their behavior. Some Advantages of TeleHealth System ...
Home Health Solution Vital Signs input. Interface with IOT Vital signs devices. Tele/Video consultation. Emergency Calling. Refill request and payment. Remote Patient Monitoring Working on cutting edge technology and cross pollination of devices to integrate with Yasasii Mobile App. Collect vital data from wearable devices. Help the healthcare provider to get the statistics of data ...
This module optimizes the nursing services with respect to the execution of orders from CPOE. Nursing information system (NIS) manages clinical data from a variety of healthcare environments made available in a timely and orderly fashion to aid nurses in improving patient care. Nursing information system module keeps track of the instructions to the nurses and the execution status of those orders Key Features Serves as a one stop solution for all activities of the nursing staff Incorporates all the aspects such as nursing assessment, nursing plan, drug administration, nursing memo/note, nursing worksheet, body temp chart, nursing tabulation chart, nurse ...
FLUENCELIFE-Blood Bank Management System is an Advanced and Integrated System for complete management of the Blood Bank based on International Standards - AABB, ISBT, CAP, QR Code, etc. Key Features Lean and Comprehensive: From a Hospital blood bank system to a standalone Blood Bank to a National Blood Bank Management System. Single Solution, Integrated with HIS, EMR, Nursing Management, Lab, OVR, Billing systems, etc. Powerful Configurable workflows from Donor to Recipient with tracking and reporting of Adverse Reactions. Collection planning, Donor relationship management, Referral, Interview, Product processing, Product allocation and Deliv...
Long term care facilities provide residential care for people with disabilities and elderly individuals who cannot care for themselves. A long-term care facility (LTCF) can describe anything from a person’s home to a medical center. LTCFs can take many different forms, but most of them have a residential component and involves patient interactions that last for months or years. These facilities usually feature an environment that is designed around the needs of the patient and is conducive to their ongoing care. With millions of people currently using facilities designed for long-term care, there are plenty of different professional opportunities in the industry.
This module helps in the tracking of the samples that have been ordered for investigations. The ordered investigations would be completed without any delay. There are provisions for reimbursement in case the sample collection does not take place. The reagent in the lab can be mapped to a particular test and so the expense of a particular test can be scientifically calculated. Key Features The lab machines including the auto analyzers are interfaced with the hospital information system and their complete operations are automated without human intervention. HL7 standards incorporates the ability to receive data from other lab machines. ...